nSMOL Antibody BA Kit

LC/MS/MS Sample Prep Kit for Quantitative Analysis of Monoclonal Antibodies

nSMOL Monoclonal Antibody Bioanalysis

nSMOL (nano-surface and molecular orientation limited proteolysis) is Shimadzu’s proprietary, innovative technique that enables selective proteolysis of the Fab region of monoclonal antibodies. The nSMOL Antibody BA Kit is a ready-to-use reagent kit for collecting monoclonal antibodies from blood or other biological samples using immunoglobulin collection resin, and then performing selective proteolysis of the Fab region of these antibodies via trypsin-immobilized nanoparticles. Variable region-derived peptides produced by limited proteolysis can then be quantified via MRM measurements utilizing a high-performance LCMS-8050/8060 triple quadrupole liquid chromatograph mass spectrometer. An unparalleled convenient and rapid workflow provided by the nSMOL Antibody BA Kit dramatically improves the productivity and robustness of LCMS mAb bioanalysis.

  • Faster, Less Expensive Method Development
    Dramatically improves response and quantitative repeatability. No capture antibodies or ligands required.

  • nSMOL Proteolysis
    Selective collection of Fab peptides. Limits contamination from excessive peptides or trypsin.

  • Performance
    Highly sensitive and accurate assays are possible for a variety of antibodies.

  • Highly Versatile
    Applicable to a wide variety of pharmaceutical antibodies.


Simple Workflow

This kit enables highly reproducible data and avoids the troublesome steps of denaturing, reduction, and alkyation normally associated with protein digestion. There is also no need for solid phase extraction after reaction. After nSMOL preparation, samples can be injected directly onto the LCMS.

Kit Contents

The nSMOL Antibody BA Kit provides prepared reagents and protocols for sample prep via the nSMOL method.

Product Specifications

Item Specifications
Detection Targets Monoclonal antibodies in serum or plasma (including antibody pharmaceuticals)
Number of Measurement 100 assays
Approximate volume of sample 90 μl (before LCMS injection)
Storage Temperature Specified for each reagent
Expiration Date 18 months from the date of shipment if unopened and stored at 4°C
(*For FG BeadsTM Trypsin DARTTM, 18 months from the date of shipment if stored at -80°C)

Product Configuration

Reagent Quantity Capacity Storage
Immunoglobulin Collection Resin 2 1.3 mL/each 4°C
Wash(Binding)Solution 1 1 80 ml 4°C
Wash Solution 2 1 80 ml 4°C
Reaction Solution 1 10 ml 4°C
Enhanced Reaction Solution 1 Freeze-dried 4°C
Reaction Stop Solution 1 1 ml 4°C
FG Beads™ Trypsin DART™ 1 1.1 ml -20°C*1

*1 If it is being stored for a month or longer, store it at -80 °C.

The following consumables are purchased separately.

Specified Consumables Manufacturer P/N
nSMOL reaction socket tube SHIMADZU 225-32260-91
Ultrafree-MC, GV 0.22 μm Merck Millipore UFC30GV00
Micro tube 2mL, PP SARSTEDT 72.708

Note: For other equipment required, please refer to instruction manual.

Recommended Items

Refer to the recommended specifications and reference products in the following table, and make preparations accordingly.

Required Items Recommended Specifications Reference Products
5 μm filtration filter Prepare a syringe and syringe filter with a pore size of 5 μm.    
Millex-SV 5.0 μm, PVDF, 25 mm,
PVC housing, non-sterile, 
SLSV025NB, Merck Millipore
0.8 μm filtration filter Prepare a syringe and syringe filter with a pore size of 0.8 μm. Millex-AA Syringe Filter Unit, 0.80 μm, 
mixed cellulose esters, 25 mm, PVC housing non-sterile, 
SLAA025NB, Merck Millipore
2 mL Sample Tube ・Polypropylene
・Round bottom tube
Item name:Safe-Lock Tubes
P/N:0030 120.094
Sold by:Eppendorf
Micro Tube Mixer ・Used at room temperature or 50°C.
・Can be installed inside the incubator.
・Set available with a 1.5 mL tube, a 2.0 mL tube, and a filter tube.
Item name:Micro tube mixer
Sold by:Tomy Seiko Co., Ltd
Incubator ・Incubator with a humidistat, or an incubator that a tray filled with water can be placed inside in order to maintain saturation vapor pressure
・Big enough that the above-mentioned micro tube mixer can be installed
Item name:Incubator with a freezer
Sold by:Panasonic Healthcare Co., Ltd.
Micro Pipetter, Tip Tip without plasticizer to avoid plasticizer contamination in the MS (colorless) (1) Brand name:Rainin Sold by:Mettler Toledo
(2) Brand name:Biohit Sold by:Sartorius
Desktop Centrifuge Capable of centrifugation of 1.5 mL tubes, 2.0 mL tubes, and filter tubes at 10,000 μg and 12,000 μg Product series name:MX series high speed micro centrifuge
Sold by:Tomy Seiko Co., Ltd
Magnetic Tube Stand Capable of magnetically separating FG beads trypsin DART Item name:Magnet stand
Sold by:Tamagawa Seiki Co., Ltd.
LCMS Vials Low adsorption type, or vials without plasticizer    Item name:TORAST-H Bio Vial P/N:GLCTV-H-BIO Item name:TORAST-H Bio Vial P/N:GLCTV-H-BIO
Sold by:Shimadzu GLC
Analysis Column Capable of peptide separation and analysis

Item name:Shim-pack GISS
Inner dia. 2.1 mm ×length 50 mm,
particle size 1.9 μm
P/N:SSOT 227-30048-01
Sold by:Shimadzu Corporation

Internal Standard Solution Capable of sensitivity and retention time correction Item name:ProteoMass P14R MALDI-MS standard
Catalog no:P2613
Sold by:Sigma-Aldrich


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